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Rising Shine(RS) is a fan made indie fighting game based off of super smash bro's melee's fighting mechanics. I just want to make it clear that this game will not contain any nintendo characters or assets. It will only have the same mechanics as melee.



Melee is a very unique fighting game and has gained a vast amount of popularity as an Esport. Even being the second most watched fighting game at the largest fighting game tournament(EVO) for 3 years consecutively. Even breaking 2000 entrants at EVO 2016. Despite melee's growth and popularity, it still remains as the only game of its kind. One of melee's most appealing features as an esport is its high speed combat. This speed is achieved through various amounts of technical mechanics(Wavedashing, Wavelanding, L-Cancelling). While the style of play is very appealing to watch, it takes hundreds of hours to reach this level of play.



What RS is aiming to do is bring this style of play to a broader audience. We want to Incorporate some of melee's most key mechanics for competitive play to our project. Only making them more accessible to newcomers. However, we are still leaving in a level of difficulty to perform these mechanics consistently. In other words, we dont want someone to pick up the game and start performing tech skill in a matter of minutes. We just want to lower the learning curve that blocks some newcomers from getting into the best parts of such a great game.









Wavelanding difficulty has been greatly reduced.


If you look closely at the image above, the character is wavelanding before he gets above the platform. In RS, when your character is about halfway above a platform, if you airdodge anywhere between a 180 – 360 degree angle, your character will automatically waveland onto the platform.









Wavedashing is also being streamlined. In melee, one of the most useful mechanics is wavedashing. It is performed by jumping and airdodging diagonally towards the ground, causing your character to land and maintain a neutral stance while keeping their horizontal movement from the airdodge.

Wavedashing in melee can be used for approaching, extending combos, retreating, and much much more. While wavedashing is useful, it takes a very high amount of practice to learn. Wavedashing for most characters needs to be near frame perfect. What we are doing with RS is adding room for error.




Frame Perfect Wavedash

Wavedashing in melee can be used for approaching, extending combos, retreating, and much much more. While wavedashing is useful, it takes a very high amount of practice to learn. Wavedashing for most characters needs to be near frame perfect. What we are doing with RS is adding room for error.




Frame Perfect Wavedash

Wavedashing in melee can be used for approaching, extending combos, retreating, and much much more. While wavedashing is useful, it takes a very high amount of practice to learn. Wavedashing for most characters needs to be near frame perfect. What we are doing with RS is adding room for error.




Frame Perfect Wavedash

The above image is a frame perfect wavedash. The moment the character is in the air, he is immediately airdodging to start his wavedash.



Mistimed Wavedash

This is a mistimed wavedash. But as you can see, the character still maintains a good amount of horizontal speed even though the airdodge was mistimed.




Very Mistimed Wavedash

This is another mistimed wavedash. The airdodge was very late, however, the character still maintains a decent amount of horizontal speed.




Extremely Mistimed Wavedash

This is an extremely mistimed wavedash. It doesnt give you much horizontal speed, but its there.




Wavedashing can now still be useful even when miss timed. However, getting the most of out your movement with wavedashing requires frame perfect inputs. This way, newcomers can have an easier time learning, but those who put in real effort will still benefit more. With RS, we want to strike a balance between being accessible, but still requiring practice and grinding to fully take advantage of the game mechanics.


















As stated above. RS will not feature any nintendo characters or assets. We wanted to include 7 original characters completely from scratch. But also, we wanted to include 5 character's movesets from melee, just not the actual characters due to them being nintendo IP's. We wanted to base the character's persona's off of the Top 5 melee players known as the "GODS". Mang0(Fox), ARMADA(Peach), PPMD(Falco), Mew2King(Marth), and Hungrybox(Puff). We currently only have one character in the works right now.

                 Man Goat


If you are well versed in the melee competitive scene, then you can probably guess who this character is based off of. Man Goat is moveset will be based off of Fox McCloud. His persona will be a parody of the self proclaimed goat(Mang0).


Our point with including melee based characters is not to make them identical to their melee counterparts, its just to keep the game familiar while also bring in some fresh new characters to work with. Plus, melee characters are aweseome.


The game is currently Supports 2 controller formats. This may be subject to change. The current formats used are Mayflash 4 port gamecube adapter and the Xbox 360 controller.




















Seeing how I am team of just me(Noah Siafega), I dont really have the means to fully playtest the game for bugs etc. Hence why I will be releasing a public beta shortly specifically for show how gameplay feels, and also to find as many bugs as possible. While I have not come across any while testing literally almost any situation, I have seen bigger games than this with much bigger studio's have some crazy bugs after launch. And seeing how every character's base creation point will be based off of Man Goat, I would want to make sure that I iron out any kinks that may cause trouble further down the line.


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the product :)




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